For agricultural machinery, molds, specialized caldereria, blades, coatings and wear parts. Soldering: ExcellentFolded: Excellent Transformation: Excellent Mechanization: Excellent General specifications* C ≤ 0,30. Mn ≤ 1,250. Si ≤ 0,250. P ≤ 0,025. S ≤ 0,005. Cr ≤ 0,500. Ti ≤ 0,030. B ≤ 0,002. ReH≥ 381 N/mm2. Rm≥ 595 N/mm2. Dureza Brinell170Hb. Templado 50HRc. Templado […]
Wear resistant. steel austenitic structure at room temperature, with approximate resistance of 100 kg / mm2 and elongation excellent toughness. Soldering: Not admitted Folded: Not admitted Transformation: Not admitted Mechanization: Not admitted General specifications* C 1,10-1,30. Mn 12,0-13,0. Si 0,30-0,50. P ≤ 0,10. S ≤ 0,04. Cr ≤ 1,50. Carbono equivalente 1,35. Rm900/1.000 N/mm2. ReH≥ 450 […]
Soldering: Excellent Folded: Good Transformation: Good Mechanization: Good General specifications* C 0,16-0,24. Mn 0,90-1,55. Si 0,20-0,50. P ≤ 0,035. S ≤ 0,025. Cr 0,80-1,20. Mo 0,15-0,50. Carbono equivalente 0,65. Rm800/1.000 N/mm2. ReH≤ 550 N/mm2. A ≥ 14 %. Dureza Brinell 280/350 Hb. Factor antidesgaste60. TYPICAL APPLICATION Production of pieces that require a good performance to abrasion […]